How Important is Graphic Design to Society ?

 What is Graphic Design

 Graphic Design or Visual Communication Art is a creative art style that aims to communicate a particular idea to the target audience through a design or set of designs, using many methods that ultimately lead to an artwork that serves the message we want to deliver.


The Importance of Graphic Design

In fact, it is difficult to limit its importance to certain points or ideas. This area is essential for all aspects of our daily lives and is relevant to all the advertising, marketing, and educational details. It is also used to direct a particular category of people's attention towards a specific matter.

For example, many health and medical agencies carry out awareness-raising campaigns on specific diseases, in order to use graphic design to design im
ages and publications capable of attracting people's attention both when browsing social media sites and on the road, in order to raise awareness of the disease.

Also, no one can dispense with this area of proper visual communication with the public through various designs of logos and advertisements. We all remember the American company Apple once we saw the missing apple even without seeing the name of the company, and that's what's called "brand" marketing, and indeed thanks to the graphic designers of that entity or company.

Ads that draw our attention, whether on the roads, on television, or on YouTube, are all thanks to graphic design. So we always note that written text ads free from illustrations or attractive designs rarely draw attention and achieve success.




Graphic Designer's Areas of Work

Commercial Companies:

Work with some commercial companies in the field of advertising design, propaganda materials, and visual content of social media sites.

Advertising Design:

Work freely with companies specializing in the design of advertising and advertising products in the field of design and 2D drawing.

Web Design:

Work freely with website design companies and e-marketing services.


Work with magazine publishing houses in the field of design and coordination.


Work with graphic design studios, publications, and photography studios.

Engineering Offices:

Work with engineering offices specializing in 3D and 2D design services.

Architecture & Design:

Work with some design and architecture offices in the field of engineering drawing and interior design.

Television Channels:

Work with television channels in the field of design, drawing, and preparation.


Work in art teaching at some schools and offer design courses at institutes.

Printing Companies:

Work with facade design and printing companies and commercial and advertising logos.

General areas:

Work in functional fields that require a bachelor's degree in any major such as coordination functions and some supervisory areas.


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